Tuition will be billed by academic school year. The 2023-2024 Academic year is understood to be August 21 through May 22nd, full calendar can be found posted year-round HERE. Summer will be billed as a separate semester and with a different set of policies.
All families, except Kindermusik, may choose one of three payment options:
Plan 1: Full academic year tuition is paid in full by August 1st. Students that opt for the full year plan do not pay recital fees. Academic year is understood as either 15 or 16 classes in the fall AND 15 or 16 classes in the spring, this depends solely on what day your lesson or class falls on. These have been calculated by day and have been calculated as such:​
Crickets (Sunday)--30 weeks
Canaries (Thursdays)--31 weeks
Private Studio (Saturdays, Sundays)--31 weeks
Private Studio (Wednesdays)--33 weeks
Kindermusik will be billed by semester, and is calculated the following way:
Kindermusik (Fridays)--32 weeks
Kindermusik (Saturdays)--31 weeks
Plan 2: Academic tuition is divided into two payments, due July 1st, and August 1st, autopay is required. Add recitals fee ($60) and (payment plan set-up fee $30).
Plan 3: Academic year tuition is divided into three payment installments starting July 1st through September 1st. Tuition should be payed in full by October 1st. Autopay is required. Add recital fees ($60) and payment plan set-up fee ($30).
Kindermusik families will be billed by semester tuition, semester understood as August through December, and January through May–see the calculation above for the exact amount of weeks each semester allows for your class day.
*All deposits and payments are non-refundable. Returning students can register before or on July 1st, to waive set-up fees.
Whilst I do not charge registration fees, new students MUST submit a registration form.
Private Lessons
There are no penalties or charges for private lessons canceled within 24 hours of students’ lesson time. Make-up lessons may be rescheduled through the FLEX calendar as many times as needed, and will be the responsibility of the student to reschedule. Lessons canceled with less than 24 hours notice, may be subject to a penalty fee of $20, or may be considered a lost lesson, unless circumstances do not permit a timely cancellation. For example: sudden illness, accident, or force majeur. No-shows for a rebooked lesson will be considered a scheduled and used lesson. At the end of the 2023/2024 school year unused make-up lessons are not refunded, and do not roll over to the next school year.
Group Lessons
Kindermusik, Canaries and Crickets do not have make-up lessons, unless there is prior agreement with the instructor and the full group. A make-up class can be set up by the group through the flex calendar (yes this is possible, so please make sure to talk to your class group!).
Lessons missed by absence or illness of the instructor will be refunded within 45 days, if a make-up is not possible.
Sibling Discounts
Families who register with more than one student will receive a 15% discount on the second student’s tuition. The first child (or the child with the highest tuition will pay full price). One exception: second Kindermusik siblings attending the same class, will receive a 40% discount. First sibling will pay full tuition. Second sibling will be charged a second tuition when they start to walk.
Tuition Terms
Tuition is calculated by multiplying the amount of weeks in the academic year (see above) by the prorated class amount. Tuition rates for the 2023-2024 will remain the same as previous years and are as follows:
Private lesson: $50 per half hour, $75 per 45 minutes, $100 per one hour
Crickets and Canaries: $31.25 per class
Kindermusik: $24.40 per class
Tuition, including registration fees, set-up fees and deposits are nonrefundable. Once enrolled, students are registered for our full academic school year (see calendar). Enrolled students who, due to serious illness, or extenuating family circumstances are forced to withdraw prior to the end of the full year should inform the Melody Train immediately with either a letter of medical release, or a letter detailing the extenuating circumstances (an example of extenuating circumstances is family bereavement, loss of employment, and an out-of-state move). Such students may be eligible for a partial refund. This same policy applies to students enrolled for one semester.
New student registration:
If a student is registering a class for the first time, and has never previewed, taken a trial, or attended any part of the class prior to enrolling, the student is considered to be on a probationary 30-day trial, and will be considered for a prorated refund (tuition payed, minus classes attended) if at the end of the 30-day trial the instructor deems the class or content of the course to not be a good fit for the student.
Any class that is not taught, by absence or illness of the instructor, will be refunded if not scheduled as a make-up, within 45 days.
The flexible make-up calendar is to serve as a platform to schedule FLEX students, and to reschedule make-up lessons. While it is not in my policies to enforce general courtesy and civility, please be mindful that this is the only platform for everyone to schedule their lessons. Please make sure to rebook only days and times that you can commit to with reasonable certainty. The calendar will allow you to schedule as far ahead as two months in advance.
If there is a resurgence of COVID or something similar, and the studio is forced by county guidelines to close and move classes online, tuition is not refunded or discounted.
We do not share, sell, or distribute our families personal information. Our enrollment data is used exclusively for the academic placement of our students, and direct communication with parents. Families are always able to opt out of any reminders sent via text or email through our parent portal.